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Mahendra Cave

January 04, 2011

Visiting a cave in your vacation might sound a little strange but Mahendra cave is one of the most visited tourist attractions of Pokhara. It is located in about 10 minutes drive from the heart of Pokhara city in the place named Batulechaur. The name Mahendra Cave is given after the name of Late King of Nepal Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev. 

This cave was discovered in the year 1950 by the young shepherds of Pokhara. This natural tunnel is now illuminated by the artificial lights. But since it is the habitat of bats, some lights inside the cave are relocated due to the pressure of environment conservationists because the lights inside disturbed the natural habitat of the wildlife inside it. The cave is rich in variety of rocks especially limestone and the rocks sparkle when light strikes on it. The stone that is dripping from the roof and covering the cave floor comes alive under the beams of the flashlights and increases the excitement of this dark adventure.

As one of the darker sights in Nepal, the Mahendra Cave gives visitors the opportunity to embark on an adventure. There is still much of the cave that has not been explored and gives the cave an atmosphere of awe, when thinking of the mysterious, unknown territory that no man has yet been privileged to see.

1 Responses to Mahendra Cave

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. I would like to visit this place...


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